Monday, April 25, 2011

My birthday book

Cycling S and I were talking at the beginning of the year and she decided I should write a book.

So I did (although there wasn't much actual writing involved...)


  1. I am constantly being pushed to do this and am on the verge of doing so. Was the process pain free? I might give it a go. Huge shrug. I'm also looking at the blog2print. Let me know your thoughts here or via email.

  2. Anna-Maria,
    This little book was so fun to look at. Great job. I love your desk and the stuff you have chosen to include.
    Your photos are excellent. Thanks for sharing this.
    Pixie Packet Miniatures

  3. The process was suprisingly easy: I decided to give it a go when I got up this morning around five and had it done in a couple of hours: most of the time was spent moving the photos so they fitted together the best way.

    I've ordered a trial book and plan to make them available for sale if I'm happy with the result :-)

  4. Fantástico tu libro, que cosas tan hermosas!
    Un abrazo
