Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stacks of work to clear...

Means the creating has been shelved for the moment.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Current priorities

1. Finish overdue swaps

2. Finalise Moments in Miniature book for an exhibition with submissions due in less than two weeks

3. Create stock and gather all the other stuff needed for our stall at the Sydney Mini Show next month.

Most definitely not on the list:(Whoops...)

Friday, April 06, 2012

I can knit a rainbow

The perfect holiday companions: one fat library book with a short loan period and one collection of various fluffy yarns needing to be made into rugs for next month's Sydney Miniature Show.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Basket case

Playmobil plus paint.


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

A quiet corner...

... to catch up on some holday reading.

The third wall

Before I dismantled my latest scene, a set of IKEA Lillabo cupboards I bought off eBay arrived and I decided they'd be perfect for the third wall of the scene...

(I think this may be the first time I've created a scene with three walls!)

Monday, April 02, 2012

Beady eyed

A quick trip to the local op shop on the way home from the Post Office.

A $1 bag of large wooden beads.
Makes a perfect stash of miniature lamp bases!

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Time for bed

So it would seem that this afternoon's scene is not finished with me yet. It demanded I put the lunch dishes away, return the table to its usual spotand make up the bed. Bossy scenes, I don't know.

What will it demand next? Breakfast in bed?

White and bright

I finished the third coat on my white floorboards this morning and brought the piece upstairs just after I shot the ROUND HOLE squared gallery scene.

I was reading my blog feeds over lunch and
Ellen Giggenbach's blog inspired me to try something I've never tried with a scene before. A riot of bright Scandinavian retro-style colours:
I even came up with a backstory involving a designer who works and lives in a tiny studio apartment who has invited three friends round for a celebratory lunch.This scene took forever to complete. Not only was I racing round the house trying to gather all the relevant pieces from various other houses, but filling the shelving unit was incredibly fiddly. Just as I thought I had everything safely arranged something would fall over, fall out, or just decide it wanted to be moved to another spot.
I liked the end result so much I just had to pull the blind and try some "night" shots:
(Rug thanks to Neomig, Kaleidoscope House crockery and glasses thanks to Mini Dork)

The opening...

The inspiration:
New black painted floorboards
* A set of glam decorative accents sent to me back in February by
Mini Dork (like them? She's having a giveaway!)
* Attending three friend's openings yesterday

The goods:

* Aforementioned flooring
* My standard sheet of
Precision Products' plastic brick
* Mini plinths from Craft ACT's
Call of the Small exhibition
* Mini Dork's pieces and a couple more from my collection
* My P-touch labelling machine for the exhibition title

The time taken:

* About 20 minutes, including time taken to try and convince the piece at the back to balance on one point!

"Little Wonders of the World" photography competition

Stitch, not for profit organisation that raises environmental awareness through the arts, is running a photography competition with categories "Green in Cities/ Greening Cities" and "Little Wonders of the World".

A £5 donation per image submitted goes to the charities Back2Earth and Butterfly Conservation.

Finalists will be exhibited in London the week of 14th May and there are £200 in prizes

For more information see
The Stitch Project website.

(I'm tempted. Are you?)

I made a black floor

with the third piece of bamboo table runner I bought back in September. Since then I've also bought a (much cheaper) one at Target with narrower boards which I'm going to trial as wall panelling...

(Vintage picture thanks to
Neomig, chair thanks to Claudia.)