Tuesday, February 28, 2006

100 Random Things about me

Yeah I know it's Self Portrait Tuesday and I hope to get myself organised enough in amongst the myriad of things I have to do tonight to get one up but just in case I've swiped Pink Rocket's idea and created a list of 100 things about myself:

1. I buy my deodorant from New Zealand.

2. It's the same brand I have been using since I was 13 except for one deviation to Mum which smelt funny and was far too expensive and didn't last very long.

3. I also buy my laundry whitener, delicate laundry liquid and dish washing liquid from New Zealand and have asked friends heading there on honeymoon to pick me up supplies.

4. Just like I'm asking a friend heading to England to get me some toothpaste as the stuff I use comes in a cool black and silver tube over there.

5. Pretty much the only sneakers I wear are black Converse One Stars.

6. They're off the market so I trawl eBay for pairs in my size to stick in The Top Cupboard.

7. I only wear David Jones Home Brand black socks - cotton in summer and wool in winter.

8. I have 12 identical black boat neck ¾ sleeve T shirts. 5 of these are stashed in The Top Cupboard.

9. I only wear one brand of knickers and have a stash of them in case they go off the market, too.

10. I prefer hankies to tissues and have a collection of black and white plaid ones.

11. Speaking of black and white, I only wear black and white PJs..

12. I once came first in the New Zealand National Irish Dancing Competition 11 and under jig.

13. It was an accident - they had changed the official music that morning but I had learnt to dance by counting in not waiting for a musical cue so was fine.

14. If I get drunk at an Irish pub I have a habit of showing off my ancient Irish dancing prowess.

15. My friends used to take advantage of this fact.

16. I love Guinness. But only in winter.

17. I chose my wine at the bottle store by selecting a bottle on sale for under $10 with the most off.

18. If that doesn't work I buy Banrock Station because they support Landcare Australia and are working to bring a wetland on their property back to life.

19. I think their motto should be Kill a brain cell, save a duck.

20. I have two sponsored children - one in India through Plan International and one in Australia through The Smith Family.

21. I chose both organisations because they are non political and non religious.

22. Over the course of my childhood I went to Catholic school, Mormon and Anglican Sunday School and Open Brethren Youth Group.

23. I've never owned a Barbie doll.

24. Or smoked.

25. Or taken drugs.

26. I've always wanted to ice skate at the Rockefeller Centre on Christmas Eve.

27. A few years ago I decided to do it after a particularly good bonus at work and spent the evening online researching what else to do in New York at Christmas time.

28. When I got to work the next morning I discovered Sept 11th had been happening while I was researching.

29. I didn't go but ended up spending the money on my first cruise.

30. A complete stranger paid for half my cabin on my last cruise.

31. I went overseas for the first time just before I turned 30.

32. I moved overseas 6 months later. Without telling my parents.

33. But with my Vespa scooter which flew with me to Australia.

34. I tell people I moved to Australia for IKEA.

35. It's not far from the truth.

36. I tried to go to IKEA when I was in Stockholm but it didn't work out.

37. I buy dolls houses and dolls house furniture off Swedish eBay in Swedish.

38. I don't speak Swedish.

39. I own 11 dolls houses with one more promised to me next month.

40. When I visited Queen Mary's Dolls House and Windsor Castle I had it to myself for 15 minutes.

41. I want to visit every significant dolls house or miniature museum in the world by the time I die.

42. I travel for architecture and miniatures. I think Terence Conran is a God.

43. I only got my car license when I was 39.

44. After I had bought my first car.

45. I would love to own a Smart Car.

46. I want to go to circus school at Club Med Lindeman Island.

47. A picture I took of Mt Ruapehu erupting in September 1995 was published on the front cover of The Evening Post.

48. Several weeks later a blown up picture of my nose sporting a fake nose ring was published in the paper.

49. The only bit of the paper I read is the arts section on Saturdays.

50. When I remember to.

51. I don't watch TV news either. Actually, I don't watch much TV full stop.

52. I didn't vote in the last election because I realised I didn't know which party the Prime Minister was with and when I looked in the papers to find out they all assumed I knew.

53. I finally worked it out after the election by reading a dummies guide to politics in Dolly magazine.

54. None of this worries me.

55. I started my first business when I was eleven.

56. I have twin uncles who were born when I was four.

57. I got my first violin for my second birthday.

58. Now all I play is the stereo.

59. I DJed for 5 years through the late 80s.

60. And therefore have an impressive collection of records from that time.

61. I know that The Birdy Dance will chase any other song you have stuck in your head away. But the cure is worse than the disease.

62. I am unable to listen to commercial radio.

63. I met the Proclaimers and told a work colleague how I did it.

64. She met Bono from U2 using my tips several months later.

65. I think she got the better end of the deal.

66. I flatted with someone years ago who went to school with Larry from U2.

67. I owned the first of my two pet rats at the time.

68. Who I took to Library School with me one day. He spent the day curled up asleep in the kangaroo pouch of my sweatshirt.

69. The night before my final Library School exam I was out clubbing til 3am. The exam started at 9am. I passed.

70. I have membership to Club Retro in Melbourne. I live in Canberra.

71. I love The Eurovision Song Contest travelingly have been travelling to Melbourne each year for a friend's friend's Eurovision Party (and to go to Club Retro)

72. One of my goals is to actually attend a Eurovision Song Contest.

73. My favourite song of all time is Just can't get enough by Depeche Mode.

74. I play every fifth CD in my collection on rotation so I eventually hear them all without having to constantly chose what to play next.

75. I cannot see why anyone thinks Robbie Williams is sexy.

76. I can't sleep naked because I'm worried there might be a fire and I'd have to run out of the house with no clothes on.

77. I don't like sharing a bed because I know I'd fart. What really worries me is I might do it the other person's leg.

78. I always sleep with my windows open. Even when it's minus 7 degrees outside.

79. Except when I'm in a hotel or on a cruise ship where I dream of being underground in a submarine and suffocating.

80. I don't like staying above the fifth floor in a hotel because I once read fire ladders can only reach that far.

81. I also don't like travelling in front or back carriages on trains in case something crashes into it.

82. I will never bungee jump.

83. I have very boring dreams.

84. My spices and herbs are arranged alphabetically.

85. And my tins are in order of food type.

86. I don't eat meat or chicken.

87. I won't eat anything containing artificial sweeteners.

88. I've never had a Starbucks coffee.

89. Or eaten Subway.

90. The only cappuccino I've drunk was by accident.

91. I only have one can of Coke a year. Maybe two, if it's a special occasion.

92. I love dark chocolate.

93. And smoked salmon.

94. But not together.

95. I can't eat shellfish. I tried prawns for the first time a few years back - they were delicious but caused me to puke my way across Sydney for the next far too many hours.

96. If I don't eat lunch by about 12:30 I start getting really vague. And grumpy.

97. I hate violent or horror movies.

98. I'm a magazine addict.

100. I refuse to have a life plan.


  1. okay, my husband would seriously leave me for you simply b/c you can irish dance and b/c you have met the proclaimers :)

    loved getting to know you girl :)

  2. hee hee hee...I'm still cracking up at #77!!! and thinking about DJ Anna-Maria doing a little drunk Irish jig!

  3. #9 killed me. My shampoo and conditioner were both discontinued after fourteen years of my using them. Thankfully, I:
    1. Have short hair, and only use about three bottles of each per year.
    2. Was able to stock up for the rest of my life.
    The down side is, if I move, I have to take nearly two hundred bottles of hair product with me.
    For some Australian thrifting (op shopping? I'm not sure how to translate) fun, check out Vanessa Berry's great zine 'Vinnie's'. She visited every St. Vinnie's in Sydney and wrote about it. What a great read!
