Wednesday, February 15, 2006


One day late for Valentine's Day here's a list of my crushes. They've all stayed superglued to the list for at least the past 10 years, and probably longer (in no particular order):
Quiz for the day: guess which three I have met? (answers below)
1. Vince Clarke is a musical genius. Nuff said, really...

2. (Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard here) Jean Luc Picard (aka Patrick Stewart). That voice. That presence. That command.

3. Colin Morris. Wellington (NZ) music institution. Has been found in various record and CD shops since I can remember, always with excellent musical recommendations. Looks and sounds strangely like Patrick Stewart which in no way has anything to do with the fact I try to go visit him to buy CDs when I'm back in NZ.

4. Speaking of buying CDs when back in New Zealand: Greg Johnson (right) has been on my list since I had his first album playlisted at the radio station I was working at in the mid 80s. I'm pleased that he's doing so well in Australia and the US. Now all I have to do is convince him to come play Tilleys in Canberra.

5. And, finally, Kermit the Frog. Is it just me that sees major similarities between him and Jean Luc Picard?

(Answer: 1,3,4 of course!)

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