Thursday, March 09, 2006

Corners of my Home: Week 5

So I was supposed to be sorting out my files last weekend, right?

Obviously my subconscious needs a bit of ear candling done as instead of sorting out the inside of my filing cabinet I had a sudden burning desire to make the top of it look much more inviting taking it from this: To this:
Which, in retrospect, is probably not the wisest of moves as any approach to the files within the cabinet will now be totally sidetracked by all the lovely things to play with on top of
it. Bother!

(Soundtrack: Loop Select 007: We are here)


  1. Only since I bought this lot - which was only really for the daisy ones and the black and white ones (surprise surprise!)

    I was planning to send the others back out to eBayland but now perhaps they'll end up in a certain swap parcel...


  2. color??? what's that i see?? no, can't be color!! oh my!! hee hee hee! sending you a gifty tomorrow to make up for the broken dish...that is if i'm not snowed in! it's freaking March and it's snowing. argh!
