Saturday, April 29, 2006

642.4 and other social events (new & improved with photos!)

Greetings from Woy Woy public library, which is my sort of place. Staid and solid looking on the outside:But with a wicked sense of humour. They have a Spike Milligan room! And a fairy garden with a gnome crossing: It's been a busy and social couple of days - Thursday night saw the inaugural 642.4 - a gathering of Librarians (642.4 is the Dewey number for social dining, in case you're wondering.)

Good food was eaten, wine was drunk, gossip ensued and a good time was had by all.

Friday morning I was on the bus to Sydney. I was hoping to be able to give you reports of op shopping in the big smoke but alas by the time the business part of the day was over the shops were closed. Hopefully I'll have better luck today and can bore entertain you with tales of my discoveries.

Princess B of Libraria and I stayed with the King and Queen of Maryville last night and were taken on a state visit of the local RSL.

Good food was eaten, wine was drunk, gossip ensued and a good time was had by all!


  1. how fun!!! i'll be back for the pics!!

  2. Excellent read. I like your style...have a good one!/Nice blog! Keep it up!
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