Tuesday, April 25, 2006

C is for Cookie

So the deal was if I got through my (very long) Anzac Day "to do" list I could do something fun.

But it turned out the list was a little excessive so I figured having been to the gym, found the study floor under a layer of dumped stuff, done three loads of washing, a good solid hour's ironing and swept the front porch and path enough was enough. The lawns could wait.

And instead I rediscovered my favorite childhood biscuit recipe (in fact this may have been one of the first recipes I made all by myself) and made me a batch of caramel cookies for afternoon tea:

4 oz butter
1 dspn golden syrup
2 Tbspn milk (careful, a Tbspn here is 20 ml not the standard USA 15 ml - maybe I should say 4 tspn milk?)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vanilla
4 oz sugar
8 oz flour
1/2 cup sultanas
pinch of salt

1. In a saucepan, melt the butter. sugar. syrup, milk & soda. DO NOT BOIL, but allow mixture to fizz. Let cool.
2. In a bowl, place the flour, fruit, salt & vanilla (although I stick the vanilla into the liquid instead when it is cooling) Add the cooled mixture.
3. Place in small teaspoon lots on cold tray. Press lightly with fork (or hand). Bake at 325 F (170 C) for 10 - 15 minutes. (10 gives you a chewy cookie with a soft inside, 15 a more crunchy version)

Art of Noise, The Ambient Collection)

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