Friday, April 07, 2006

Friday "Frugal and Free" File

This is going to be very short and sweet as the only thing to report this week is that J gave me some pumpkin. Yep. That's the total Frugal and Free report for the week.

Actually, I lie. I got bought a coffee by an ex colleague at the beginning of the week and since it wasn't my turn to bring afternoon tea to our weekly staff meeting on Wednesday I got to eat two free biscuits. Really scraping the bottom of the (ahem) barrel, aren't I?

I did get an offer to go see Casanova for free at the ANU Film Group on Thursday but it started at 8pm and I was too tired to stay up til it finished so turned it down.

I finally got my ABN this week. It was free. Does that count?

(Soundtrack: Ace of Base, Da Capo)


  1. Free stuff is great! I chose my bank because they have good free coffee and doughnut holes.

  2. Your bank gives you coffee and donut holes?! Then again for all I know my bank might give me full body massages and pedicures but I wouldn't know as I only set foot in a branch about once a year...

  3. what is that picture of exactly? is that the pumpkin??

  4. That's the pumpkin tarted up to try and make it look a tad more interesting than just a hunk of pumpkin :-)
