Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I god a cod id da doze...

Bother, and I thought I'd got away without succumbing with my colleagues falling to the left and the right of me over the past week. Any slight runnyness of the schnoz I'd decided was soley due to spending too much time around a certain mohair jumper.

But last night after a major sneezing fit it became abundantly clear The Snot Monster had come for its yearly visit. Right on schedule. Great, just what I need to celebrate being exactly one month out from my Big Adventure - to lose a day's pay. Blerk!

Anyway. I did my usual trick of trying to bore The Snot Monster into an early departure. I sorted through a pile of papers I've had sitting round for months. I pulled all my shoes out of my wardrobe, vacuumed it out and put back the winter ones and stored the summer ones away. I made my way through a jumbo sized pile of ironing. And it seems to have worked.

I'm feeling much chirpier and less snuffly and have even found the brain space to start the
Fiona Walker I have out of the library - candyfloss for the brain which is about the level I can cope with today. I have to agree with the sole reviewer on Amazon that it does seem all a little, well, try hard. Which is a pity as I've always looked forward to reading her books as she has a wicked sense of humour and pun ability. If you've not read her before I suggest starting with Snap Happy.

Oh - and I accidentally went frugalling this afternoon. I didn't mean to but I walked over to the post office to check my post box and somehow my legs walked that extra block and a half without me really noticing until it was too late...
Black and white stripy skivvy: $6. Perfect for work under my black shift dress. Or on the weekend with skinny jeans. Or with a black mini. Or... or.... or....
Laundry hamper to store my packing peanuts in: $5.

And to keep you amused here's my craft link for the day: Knitting for psychopaths (you've been warned!)

(Soundtrack: Eurythmics, Peace)


  1. Sorry that you're feeling ill, but a spot of op-shopping seems to perked you up. :)

    Love the Knitting for Psychopaths site - was just talking about it last night.

    Hope you're better soon.

  2. God, that's a funny sneezy photo of you. Feel better! n

  3. aww! sorry you're sick! sending good healing "get the hell out germs" vibes!!

    i love when you end up at a thrift shop and you have no clue how you got there. it was meant to be!

  4. Greetings grand daughter,

    Just wondered if you new that whed de cod id der dose bug hits you can put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil with the water in your steam iron and inhale it while you iron. Gives the clothes a nice smell too.


