Monday, April 24, 2006

New York City (birthday) girl

(Don't you love the one off Michael Roberts wallpaper?)

This time next month: The Big Apple and my 40th!

Here's the room we're staying in (as opposed to a generic "this is where you may be in our hotel if we like you. A lot" photo) Not that we expect to be spending very much time in here at all with the most exciting city in the world to explore and not very much time at all to do it in.We have a few "must dos" including visiting The Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes, the Guggenheim (and a long list of other buildings, hopefully not all shrouded in scaffolding like I've just discovered the Guggeheim is...) for architecture and Central Park for a picnic. I believe there will be cocktail drinking (probably not in Central Park), and, hopefully, Spamalot viewing depending on supplies of cheapy tickets.

Princess B of Libraria was hoping to go see X-Men 3 in New York (she won't explain why and has arranged for me to see X-Men 1 and 2 when I'm in Sydney next weekend which she says will make things clear.

(All I want explained is how come it's taken me so long to see two movies with Patrick Stewart in them?!)


  1. I hate to break it to you but Magnolia cupcakes are crap. The line is ridiculous and then the cupcake is so anti-climactic. Sad but true.

  2. There are other cupcake places though. Buttercup Bakeshop, Sweet Sugar Sunshine. If you check the Cupcakes Take the Cake blog they review all the cupcakes places in town.

  3. Another vote for the awfulness of Magnolia.
    City Bakery, Cupcake Cafe, and Two Little Red Hens have the Kristin Seal of Approval.
