Sunday, May 28, 2006


I think I've reached that point in my trip where my feet hurt from too much walking (let's not even talk about how they smell, shall we?), I'm sick of the sight of my clothes (and am starting to get confused as to which are clean, which are "airing" for potential second wearing and which need to visit a washing machine desperately), my eyebrows are starting to resemble early Brooke Shields and I'm having cravings for a time where I don't have to live out of a suitcase any more.

Which is a bloody good sign that I'm having a fab (if a little full on) time. Have been running round Chicago like a mad thing trying to fit everything in. Booked a Highlights by Bus architectural tour yesterday morning but they overbooked for the first time in forever so I volunteered to be bumped and got a refund and two free tours to make up for it. I know I wanted to be bumped on this trip but I really was meaning airplanes...

So I did the Historic Skyscraper walking tour instead then wandered across the road to oogle at The Thorne Rooms. Met up with Princess B and we spent the afternoon checking out the Chicago Public Library (the biggest public library in the world, apparently) where we took advantage of their free internet for travellers. Gotta love that.

Wandered up to check out The Magnificent Mile and were most restrained. Then we had a look at the Museum of Contemporary Art's Store (didn't bother going inside as there wasn't time and we saw the Warhol exhibition they are showing when it was at the Sydney MCA) and walked across to the lake to find a cinema. To see X Men III. Yay!

Picked up some dinner and then headed to Navy Pier to see the fireworks(and do some more culture as we stumbled across a stained glass museum on our wanderings).

Today was full or architecture with the delayed bus tour in the morning then I headed up to Oak Park for a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio. I think I've had my full of architecture - my head is buzzing with images and information and even two bottles of Woodchuck Cider and a fine dinner at Bar Loius didn't help clear it.


  1. oh! frank loyd wright's home! ack! i bet that was amazing!!!

  2. Wow. Wow. Wow.

    I have absolutely nothing more ariculate to say.

    Except wow.

  3. Hey Sis,

    Just a quick note to say I've been loving the Blog as you travel. One of the highlights of the day is reading what you're up to. Sounds like you and B are having an absolute ball!

    Like the part about stinky clothes and sore feet - I know that feeling from travelling!
    Sounds like you've managed to do alot in your travels - everyone always misses out something they intended to do - thats the norm, especially in a big place like NY or Chicago.
