Monday, May 22, 2006

Corrupting the innocent

On the eve (of the eve) of my 40th birthday I did two things I've never done before. Well, actually quite a few more than two if you count going to Atlantic City (or "To the Shore" in local terms)and eating a funnel cakebut I digress.

While at The Tropicana I *gasp* gambled for the first time in my life. I used to have a real anti-gambling stand, so bad that I wouldn't even set foot in a casino but that got gradually whittled down over the past few years when I discovered a cruise ship is basically just a casino with added extras.

This weekend I decided I needed to embrace the whole Atlantic City experience and Nancy gave me $5 while suggesting that it didn't really count if it wasn't my money (I didn't inhale, really!). I walked away from the slots with $50!
Maybe I need to reassess this gambling stance....

I also had my first ever Starbucks coffee. Princess B and I were desperate for a decent coffee and thought maybe Starbucks would deliver. But, even with a double shot, our lattes were very very average. Not really worth breaking my self imposed Starbucks boycott for. I had been warned about the state of coffee in the US but somehow didn't believe it could be so dire. I went to a place for brunch earlier in the week and when they asked if I wanted a coffee I asked for a skinny latte and the waitress looked very confused and said "we don't have that stuff here".

With this run of unusual behaviour maybe next I need to also smoke a joint and have a large steak?
Seriously though, we had a fun time and caught up with Andy and Kelly and Kelly's Dad Bill over drinks, dinner, then black and white birthday cake and bubbles. I'm not even 40 yet and I've had two birthday parties and one birthday afternoon tea so far. How lucky am I??


  1. GASP!! "With this run of unusual behaviour maybe next I need to also smoke a joint and have a large steak?" lol!!

  2. gOOD GRIEF!
    iS tHat mY sIster talking!!!
    Have a great birthday - gO cRazy!!

  3. I KNOW! I was AGHAST when I went into the most cafe-looking of cafes, right in the heart of Greenwich Village for chrissake AND with a rainbow flag in the window... and they only had that horrid filter stuff.

    Hope you had a FLANtastic actual birthday.

