Friday, May 26, 2006

New York Stories

So, finally, here's how we spent the rest of my birthday in New York after we got Spamalot tickets:

From Times Square we headed over to the New York Public Library which wasn't open yet, so popped off to visit Grand Central Stationand the Chrysler Building to fill in time. Back to the Library where B got a reader's card to add to her collection and we supported the Library by purchasing at their gift shop.

From there I visited M&J Trimming and another nearby button shop where I was very very restrained after realising I could order online.Birthday lunch was in Byant Park behind the Library - a beautiful park with lots of people-watching opportunities to be had.

By this time it was time to toodle back up to Times Square for Spamalot which was a riot (and I have the T shirt to prove it!) As a little aside, as we were walking up to the theatre there was a chap with a film crew walking in front of us blocking our way - turns out it was Taylor Hicks who just won American Idol.Birthday drinks were in order afterwards so it was back past The New York Library, up Library Way to (of course) The Library Hotel and up the lift to Bookmarks, the rooftop bar on the 14th floor for a Pageturner (me) and a Bookmark (Princess B).

Dinner was at The Empire Dinerchosen because a) it was a diner and b) it was black and white. My meal was very very yummy and washed down by a fine bottle of cider.And finally I ate a birthday cheesecake from Wholefoods Market in bed back in my room while watching crap TV. Which ended the best birthday ever. Big hugs to those who made it all possible: Princess B, Nancy & Joe, Sis and Mum and Dad.


  1. what a great time!! can't wait to see lots of pictures!

  2. What a fantastic birthday - and a belated happy birthday greeting, TSS. :)
