Friday, June 23, 2006

Brightening up a gloomy day

There was a beautifully decorated international care parcel waiting for me at the Post Office this morning from my Cuzzie C in Christchurch (who has finally got broadband so can actually read this *waves wildly*). It was filled with interesting things to read. Not one letter. Not two letters. But three letters catching me up with what's happening in her neck of the woods.
And yes, that third one which looks suspiciously like a very long cash register receipt is, in fact, a cash register receipt with possibly the world's longest letter written on the back of it.And under the reading material is snacking material. Including a multi pack of my treasured Grain Waves. Let's see how long they last, shall we?She also sent a pack of Incredibles cards with my fave Edna Mode included. She's my hero (Edna and Cuzzie C)

And if that wasn't enough to brighten a wintery rainy Friday, I found this at the op shop in Braddon: about 4 metres worth for a total cost of $8.Just don't ask what I plan to do with it, OK?

(Listening to: David Bowie, The Singles Collection)


  1. Andrew says that Edna Mode is his fav incredibles character!!! He especially likes how she says "hello darling"

  2. Ah, yes. I have the interactive Edna doll which was worth it for that phrase alone (and the "poofy lips" one)
