Saturday, August 12, 2006

Second Hand Saturday

I had frugalling company today. Y joined me on my jaunt to Queanbeyan and she did very well too - picked up an amazing pair of Nine West boots for $18, a pair of heels with their original price tags ($795!) on the bottom for $20 plus three white plates with gold rims for 40 cents each and a lettuce crisper for $2.

My haul was slightly less spectacular but satisfying none the less.
Clockwise from bottom left::

White ceramic bird ornament: $1. I think the black bird Pink Trees sent me is probably lonely and I have a sudden need to collect some china birds, brought on by a picture I spied in a recent Wallpaper* magazine. And at this price if I decide it was a silly idea after all I can just redonate it!

Two M People CDs: $2.50 each. I grabbed these in case Sis didn't have them, and it turns out she doesn't so they're heading to Auckland soon.

Grey plastic tape holder for the car: $1.50. I have too many these days to fit in the space between the seats so this is perfect.

Thompson Twins tape: 50 cents

Four small white lidded plastic containers just the right size for keeping individual serves of pasta sauce or beans in the freezer: 30 cents each

Dollar signs: an astrological guide to personal finance by Yvonne Morabito. $1 - at that price it doesn't matter if it's all bollocks, does it?

And in the background, pink and white rose patterned skirt that I found on the half price rack just as we were heading to the register and running late. We both liked it. It was marked down to $2.50 so I bought it. If it doesn't fit me, Y will try it. If it doesn't fit her it might head off into the wild blue yonder as part of a swap package to be turned into a bag.

So far, so good: $12.70 in total.

But then behind the counter at salvos I spotted this for $15.It's just what I need I have to plug and unplug my scanner and printer from the computer depending on what I want to do - and it always seems to be the wrong thing plugged in so this will simplify things.

Pity it's so goddamn ugly though - although it looks like the cover screws off so I might be able to improve things a bit... So I ended the morning over budget yet again but with the justification that the plug box could just possibly morph into a business expense.

(Listening to: Roddy Frame, North Star)

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