Monday, August 21, 2006

Yes we have some bananas...

I do love New Zealand...*

(* For those of you outside Australasia, there was a hurricane in Queensland earlier this year which pretty much wiped out the banana crop. This meant the only bananas in the shops were not only grey looking but to add insult to injury, priced at fifteen dollar a kilo. This morning I ate the first banana I've had in over 4 months - and Mum bought them for $1.87 a kilo!)


  1. 1 kilo = 2.2 pounds
    AUD$15 = USD$11.40

    So, roughly speaking USD$5.70 per pound :(

  2. holy moley! those are some expensive bananas!!

  3. I so relate! In Canada, at a supermarket near our hotel, they were 59 cents a kilo. The Australians in our party cleaned out the entire banana display on the first day. They restocked the next day - with all-green bananas. We continued to buy in bulk!

    On the day I had to fly back to Oz, I ate two bananas and had a banana smoothie.


  4. AMCS - alias TSS, is it time to explore imports!!!! Has anyone else sold Banana's on ebay?
