Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Like a lucky dip but I get to keep everything (and not pay a cent!)

There was a package waiting at the post office for me this morning. I didn't recognise the sender which could only mean one thing - it was a swap! So helter skelter back home I went and ripped it open to find this:Which bought back childhood memories of lucky dip stalls at school fetes. Once I'd dug through the packing I unearthed a wonderful range of black and white goodies:
I'm particularly loving the composition books which I've lusted after since I first saw one in Seventeen magazine back in 1979 or thereabouts. Oddly enough I didn't actually remember to buy any when I was in The States in May so these made me very happy.

Other highlights include the penguin mint tin which I shall empty asap and use to keep either sewing stuff or small treasures in.

And I'm not sure if you can see them properly but on the right there (above the lovely smelly candles) is a box of black and white stripy paper clips which I adore so much I might have to revert to childish behaviour and hide under my pillow when I go to bed. (Did anyone else do that when they were young? I remember one occasion when I tried to sleep with a new pair of shoes under my pillow...) There's also a box of zebra patterned bulldog clips. I may never be able to return to plain black stationery again...

So thank you thank you thank you to Coffee Cake (alas, no blog) for a wonderful parcel. I'd be very happy to swap with you any time you like...

(Listening to: Cafe del Mar Vol 1)

1 comment:

  1. You're quite welcome. It was a lot of fun to do this one. I'm so glad you liked the stuff I picked out!

    And I do have a blog, I just haven't shared it with Swap-Bot.

    Love your name, Shopping Sherpa!
