Sunday, October 08, 2006

Playing tourist

In all the trips to Sydney I've done since I started blogging I haven't made it down to the bottom end of town to take the sort of pictures that will probably make my overseas readers very very jealous.

Until yesterday, that is, when I arranged to meet Duchess N of Mosmania for an afternoon at The Rocks Market. Which means I can bring you a picture of the Sydney Opera Houseand one of the Sydney Harbour Bridge (note bored expression from a hardened "local")

Here's a picture of
The Rocks Market with a bit of the bridge in the backgroundAnd some puppets in the amazing Puppet Shop tucked away in a nearby basement.By this time we were sick of playing tourist and retired to The historic Orient Hotel for a refreshing cider.


  1. You're right--those photos make me v.v. jealous!

  2. Is that a Ngati Pakeha ( shirt I spy?!

    You groover, you!

  3. may I join in for this beer time.. I really need a big one.. cold..
    and a nice girlie chat..
    I love the photos.. quite a journey..
    thanks.. enjoy your sunday and spring..
    I love the dress you showed at the former post as well =))
