Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wonderful (if windy & slightly wainy) Wednesday. With wine.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you might remember way back here Sew Thrifty sent me a parcel. What I forgot to mention was she had overflow (two boxes worth!) which she had sent surface mail.

I hoped that they might have slipped into the Post Office's airmail pile (as things sometimes do. For example three parcels I sent myself from London surface mail - the first one arrived 5 days later. Yes, you read that correctly - 5 days for surface mail from London to pretty much the other side of the world. Unfortunately the other two weren't so lucky but they still only took a few weeks) but, as time passed and my PO box remained resolutely empty of exciting red and white cards, I sort of lost hope.

Until this morning. And what a morning to pick to arrive. It was grey and, as I stood there peering into my post box with a look of joy on my face and the excitement building as I spied those all important words ("LARGE"), scrawled across the card, the heavens opened and it poured with rain.

For about 5 minutes. Until Mother Nature realised we'd been delivered the precipitation ordered by some other non-drought stricken area and replaced it with howling wind instead. Which, of course, dried up the rain quick smart.

(Oh dear, I seem to have digressed yet again)

So what was in my lovely large (slightly damp) box?

Lots of black and white! Yay Sew Thrifty! She sent me a black and white mixing bowl, a black and white gumball machine and, best of all, a very odd pot thing with exactly the same Johnson Brothers Daisy design I have been ever so slowly collecting. Plus, if that wasn't enough, two more scooters for my scooter toy collection.Also in the box was more of the Irwin stuff I'd requested. Which reminded me I've not written about it as I'd promised. Soon, patient readers. Soon!

Lastly was a black and white knitting pattern book I forgot I'd won off eBay ca and had posted to her house to save the (rather expensive) postage quote to Australia. The other interesting discovery of the day was when I wandered past Macs Liquor and discovered they had a special on cleanskin chardonnay for $11.93. For a box of 6 bottles. That would be $1.99 per bottle. So I had to buy a box and see how awful it was. (All in the name of frugal research, you understand...)

(Listening to: Depeche Mode, Ultra)


  1. and was it awful?? the wine I mean.. and your box had.. awfully beautiful objects it..
    enjoy.. take a sip.. thinking of me.. your fan from turkey ..=))

  2. I'm a (fish eating) vegetarian. How am I supposed to know about gravy boats, especially such weird looking ones?!

    I'm thinking it would work just fine to pour hot chocolate into the matching cups while eating baked goodies laid out on the matching platter (which arrived this morning)
