Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy feet, I've got those happy feet...

Smarties have released Black and White Happy Feet Smarties. I'm the most excited about lollies that I've been since the short lived black and white M&M phenomenon in 2004 and am trying desperately not to run out and buy them in bulk.

Since it's been raining most of the day (hurrah!), and I'm sulking because something I'd been working on all day got eaten when Word hung on me 2 minutes before the end of the day (Boo! Hiss!), and I have a library copy of Vivienne Westwood's biography which is due back tomorrow (and a bottle of wine in the fridge) I think I'll spend the rest of the evening curled up on the sofa with a box of Smarties, a glass of wine and aforementioned book...

(Listening to: Tosca, j.a.c.)


  1. So glad to hear that there is wine in your fridge, enjoy a delicious evening, if only it was Thursday!!!

  2. Those lollies are amazing (but black food colouring? hmmmmnnnn....) & I've read that Viv Westwood book - my favourite bit was the anecdote about how she likes to cycle around London in curlers, a pink hair net and a tweed suit. What a gal!

