Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Belated thank yous!

Lots of goodies awaited me at the post office when I arrived home from New Zealand.

First was a Christmas swap parcel from Elisabeth in Sweden with the perfect mix of dolls house minis (see wonderful butterfly chair and retro lamp above) and yummy things to eat.Swedish sweets crack me up. They have a chocolate called Plopp! Yes, it's brown and can be a bit gooey sometimes but still it's a rather unfortunate word for a chocolate bar (however yummy it might be).But wait! There's more! For those amongst us that don't like Christmas at all, may I suggest buying bulk amounts of:OK, joking aside (and thank you, Elisabeth, both were very yummy and didn't last long at all in the cupboard), she also sent me three very cute 1960s Swedish children's hankiesplus a mini Lundby bassinet and Caroline's Home pram which quickly found a home in the Triang House with Daisy MacGregor.

And there was a second parcel. My Black, White and Blank Color Swap arrived.Including these lovely hand painted envelopes which might just end up framed. And a tape which I got stuck in the tape player in Miss Daisy. I fear when I finally get around to going to the car stereo doctor they'll tell me it's time to join the modern world and buy a CD player...(Listening to: International Observer, All played out (which is actually Tom Bailey, ex Thompson Twins))

1 comment:

  1. Hope your holiday was lovely.

    I'll send off my parcel now.
    Thanks soooo much for the bundles of gorgeous knitting needles.
