Sunday, January 21, 2007

Having a brand old time

The stinking heat of the last week seems to have let up somewhat today meaning I actually had some brainspace to do some stuff rather than using it all to wander round looking grumpy and muttering "I'm hot" to random inanimate objects.

I had piles (and I mean piles) of things that needed my attention but decided I really had to spend some time doing some 1 year anniversary tweaking on The Shopping Sherpa (the business, as opposed to the blog, which you may notice got a few cobwebs cleaned away at the same time).

So, after much frustration and swearing gently under my breath as I realised my self-taught Word and Photoshop skills gave me just enough confidence to get myself into lots of trouble (but not back out again very easily) I have new whiz bang business cards, a tarted up eBay store and listings and, to cap it off, very spunky labels to sew into my bags:
Thanks to Pink Trees for sending the cotton twill tape (does anyone know if I can get it in Australia or do I have to add it to the list of odd items I need to bribe PT to send me regularly?) and to Soule Mama for providing the tutorial.

(Listening to: David Gray, White Ladder)


  1. i've got yards and yards of the twill tape! i'll send you some more with the next pacakge! btw, i sent one out to you yesterday!

    thanks for the email! i'll reply in the morning!

  2. oops! meant to say the labels and cards turned out great!

  3. thanks for directing me here. that is a GREAT idea. I almost wish I hadn't ordered the labels. :)
