Monday, January 08, 2007

So there I was...

trying to get my head around how to attach the lining of a hot water bottle pattern I'd made for friend Kerry's birthday this weekend and idly wondering what I was going to blog about today when the doorbell rang.

It was the lovely Taph with a truly ginormous, hand delivered, blog swap!Including a massive (and I mean MASSIVE!) pile of records and 45s from the 80s.

I haven't had a chance to look through them all properly yet but I noticed lots of yummy things to plug holes in my collection. I wanted to prance round the the hallway doing the happy dance!But wait! There's more!

Vintage cream knitting needles, some black and white fabric for my stash (the two on the right are stretch - suppose it's finally time to learn how to sew stretch)And books - Jo Sharp's Knitting Bohemia (yay! more patterns!), a little book on Sydney architecture and one on Italian design.As if this wasn't enough, there was a lovely pair of pillowcases with black and white fabric edging.

I feel very very (very) spoilt. Thanks a million, Taph!

(Listening to: Ultravox, The collection - rather apt, really...)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely my pleasure. :) Didn't get a chance to sock the pillowcases, but figured as Napisan is white you'd have some around the place. Glad you liked the records.
