Thursday, February 15, 2007

Spending Valentine's Day evening how it should be spent

After a very early (7:30 am) start this morning at the Library Lovers' Day breakfast (and, yes, I took my bag!) I have a very late finish after spending the evening with one of my favorite boy people around, who even went to the trouble of looking for just the right gift for me:(I shall ignore the fact he sent a valentine to the babe living two doors down from him.)

Yes, I was a lovely friend and sent E's parents off to have a grown up evening alone while I spent quality time trying to work out which shape went where in the Tupperware shape sorter and trying to convince a small person with limited conversation skills that Mummy and Daddy would be coming home soon (promise!)

And if that wasn't enough excitement for one day, I attended a presentation at lunchtime with the intriguing title of Flying Librarians of Oz: What's all the fuss about Second Life and what's it got to do with libraries? (and decided immediately that Second Life is joining The Sims in my list of things I am banned from doing as I know from previous experience* they will suck all my time away from me.)

On top of that *&^@! Blogger finally decided this evening to force me into the new version. I knew it had to happen sometime but had been putting it off until I had no choice.

(*I lost a lot of time to a TinyMUD around 6 years ago)


  1. Valentines with a cute boy with a Tupperware habit who'll wear your handknits - fantastic. :)

  2. Even better - he's often spotted at Vinnies Dickson...

  3. Blogger forced me into the 'new' version last week! At the time I was a tad irritated, but it really didn't take that long and I must say I do like the new features.

  4. The Librarian in me wants to chuck a sickie and spend the day merrily adding tags... Sad git.
