Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Library stuff

This is new to me but it would seem it's been doing the rounds for at least a year - how did I miss out seeing it before now? Pity they don't actually exist as I would be happy to add 20 toy Librarians to my desk!

And I'm loving the ACT Public Library Service at the moment. I got an email yesterday afternoon letting me know the copy of Shopaholic and Baby I'd reserved was waiting to be picked up (yay! I just saved $32 which is particularly gratifying as this book was a fast read and was back at the library less than 24 hours after I picked it up.)

While I was at the library I wandered over to check out the knitting/ architecture/ design books and spotted the complete three volume set of Phaidon Design Classics sitting on the shelf minding their own business. ARGH!!!!! They were scooped up and I staggered over to check them out before someone realised they should be reference only.

So here's a pile of loveliness that "saved" me $280:Alas the library don't appear to have (or be ordering) Jessica Adams' The Summer Psychic but, before I succumb to buying it, I've sent feelers out to library contacts stretching from here to the Central Coast in the hope of managing to borrow a copy to read.

(Listening to: Thomas Dolby, Astronauts & Heretics)


  1. Did you see the actual comic that goes with that "ad"? (which I hadn't seen either until I found a printout in the printer and asked everyone in the office who it belonged to :)

    Also, I remember when we got those books in - they were a bitch to separate from the packaging. It took both me and J to open it.
    (and I'm looking at your photo and going 'arrgh, those spine labels are crooked, how did i ever pass those?' i'm going to assume that the library repositioned them themselves...)

  2. Oh Sophie Kinsella is my fav artist, have you read all her books if not I can send them to you with the toothbrushes.
