Friday, May 18, 2007

Not for my birthday, not for my birthday, not for my birthday!

This vision of black and white loveliness was picked up when I was down in Woden a couple of days ago. The cake cover is utterly unnecessary for two reasons:

1. It's now winter so all the flies have buggered off
2. It'll be a pain to find a space to keep it (although I did toy with the idea that I could use it as a light shade...)

But I had to have it - It's black (never seen a black cake cover before...), it was only $12.95, the last one there and, of course, how could I pass up those daisies?!

And underneath the cake cover? One of 5 pairs of black rubber gloves I picked up at Homebase for a whopping $1.99 a pair. I can now be slightly more coordinated when I do the dishes (the yellow ones I had were bugging me). Now if only I'd bought those white sponges I spied at Crate and Barrel (and talked myself out of) last year in New York, I'd be completely sorted.While I was in Woden I had lunch with the lovely Taph who handed me a bag containing the above while saying "This is NOT a birthday present so you can open it immediately."!

Yay! More Maxwell Williams (I'm feeling quite frustrated at the lack of rimmed bowls and dinner plates I've managed to spot recently so this cheered me up a little) and a 1993 IKEA catalogue to add to my collection. I'm saving it to read on a special occasion...And if I wasn't feeling spoilt enough already, in the mail this morning was this package from Kara who had kindly sent me (all the way from England) the only Sophie Kinsella I've not read yet (hardback, even!) plus a backup supply of Boots toothbrushes. Because a 6 year supply isn't enough, you know...

(Listening to: Afterdark Chicago)

1 comment:

  1. Glad it arrived safely, wow love some of your other goodies.
