Friday, August 17, 2007

Fab Friday frugalling finds...

* Lovely vintage flowery double sheet: $2.00
* (Insert fanfare here) Maxwell Williams dinner plate: 50 cents. Thus bringing my total up to eight. Now all I need is those last three cereal bowls and my challenge is complete...
* Two chick lit books to read and send on their merry way: $3 each.

Grand total: $8.50.


  1. That design looks so familiar. I am sure mine was paler and a bit more pink. It was So Loverly. Worn to shreds, though! What on earth could I have been up to?

  2. good to see you..
    and content..
    now will go deep in the archives..
    to see what I have missed..
    just a quick hello.. here..

  3. Good to have you back in the blogging world, Pinar - I think of you every time I see an angel in an op shop...

  4. Nice sheet - do you have any plans for it to be transformed into something else? Love reading about your frugalling finds - wish mine were half as good.

  5. Elizabeth - stash, of course!

    Seriously though I think it would make a great bag lining (along with that teetering pile of other "great bag linings" I've amassed....)
