Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And the fabric pile grows ever taller...

Taph came over last night for a spot of Thai and a mini local pub crawl (that would be a 2-pub-crawl, not a crawl of dolls house sized pubs, just in case you're confused!) to check out potential new venues for Northside SnB.

She arrived at the door clutching a large Allens bag. "Put that away!" I cried, not wanting to count any more Ins than I needed to. But she changed my mind with the magic words "But there's alcohol in here.." and so I let her (and the bag) in.
Good thing I did too. Yes siree! There was a bottle of Baileys in there (oh WHAT a shame Taph can't drink the stuff, and that it doesn't count for Seven Things) but also lovely fabricy wonderfulness including the most fantastic red black and white chintzy print:another white toothbrush for my collection and a copy of The Art of Selling Craft in Australia. I always love Taph's bags of goodness...

In return Taph got her own bag of goodness (she informs me that Private W. Conway is known as Bill to his friends) which held a bar of chocolate (alas not counted as an Out), 5 magazines and 2 videos. Which means we're about even :-)

And I think the jury's still out on the venues. I like Trinity for its comfy couches, nice music and the fact the girl behind the bar is knitting-friendly. But as Taph pointed out, the lighting's pretty bad for people who need to actually see their knitting plus there is no cake and they made a point of telling us they're not crash-hot at using the coffee machine.

The Old Canberra Inn has better lighting but the chairs are pretty awful. The open fire is a plus but the two TVs (playing different things) are a bit of a drawback. Oh, and I don't think they have cake either...
I think we need to undertake some more research. Any ideas?


  1. Tradies? I haven't been there for years, so don't know if they have comfy chairs.

    Otherwise, Tilley's could be an option - some of their chairs inside are comfortable (I'm not talking about their booths) plus they have decent cake, nice coffee and a huge variety of wines and beers.

    I'll keep thinking ...

  2. I think there's, let's say a history with Tilleys and SnB... but I think it'd be worthwhile finding out what it is and seeing if we can reconsider it as an option.

    I did suggest The George Harcourt Inn but that might be a little bit too far north for some people.

  3. Fabric piles can only be too high when you are in danger of being crushed to death by a fabric avalanche.

  4. ...and I can't link to your Made It site any more.

  5. There's a scary thought (but an interesting photo op!) Jay.

    As for not being able to link to my Made It store - I just checked the link on the side bar and it seems to be working just fine (?!)
