Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm so proud of myself

I made a skirt.

I made a skirt without a pattern.

I made a skirt without a pattern using frugalled fabric from my stash.

I made a skirt without a pattern using frugalled fabric from my stash and a frugalled zip which was from my stash too.

I made a skirt without a pattern using frugalled fabric from my stash and a frugalled zip which was from my stash too. And it went together beautifully.

I made a skirt without a pattern using frugalled fabric from my stash and a frugalled zip which was from my stash too. And it went together beautifully and looks fantastic.

I made a skirt without a pattern using frugalled fabric from my stash and a frugalled zip which was from my stash too. And it went together beautifully and looks fantastic. It would be perfect for summer.

Except for one little bitty incy wincy teensy weensy problem.

It's too small.

There's only one thing to do.

Eat chocolate to console myself? No - go to the gym!


  1. Bugger! (or in the words of a mighty pirate, Arrghhhhh!)

  2. Oh my dear, is it VERY much too small, or just a little bit too small and buggering about with the seams might help?
