Sunday, September 02, 2007

Spotted in this week's Kmart catalogue:

Buy Dad a 4.5 kg Toblerone milk chocolate for only $119 (save $30!)

WTF?! Have I lost touch with reality?

I don't know about you but if I was dumb enough to want to spend $120 on my Dad on Father's Day pretty much the last thing I'd think to do was spend it on a chocolate bar....

(Although if you had a pathological hatred of your Father it could be the ultimate murder weapon - if he eats it then the clogged arteries or the extra weight might do him in. Failing that, just bop him over the head with it (preferably using the pointy side) and then melt down the evidence before the police arrive. They'll never guess he was Tobleroned to death. Gives the phrase Death by Chocolate a whole new meaning...)


  1. I think your father should be very glad that he's across the ditch... a scary insight into your mind Sherpa!

  2. Ha ha - that's brilliant :-) you crack me up !! :-D

  3. Good grief! Have you given up Librarianship and joined a convent, Sister A-L? ;-)

  4. So wrong!! If I had that much money I wouldn't trade it for chocolate and give it away!!
