Friday, November 02, 2007

What they call a "Win/Win" situation...

For those of you not reading this via a feed reader you might like to scroll down and check out my stats waaay down there at the bottom on the left.

Don't worry I'll wait right here for you.

(To the tune of Greensleeves: plonk plonk plonk plonkiiiiity plonk plonk plonk...)

Oh you're back already. Good. That was driving me almost as nuts as the Chicken Dance.

So I've hit 40,000 readers since I started counting (a couple of months after I started this blog - can't remember exactly when.) I'm pretty gobsmacked really and figure it's probably a good time for a giveaway to mark the occasion.

I'm getting crafty (no, not in the "Let's knit 9 wash cloths in 3 and a half days" way but in the "Woohoo! how devious and conniving!" sort of way)

See that there box at the top of the post? It's part of a carton of bits and pieces I amassed when I was doing regular Black and White swaps over on Swap-bot. It's bursting with black and white goodness (I counted - it comes to 20 Outs for me which is a pretty good total)

How can you get you sticky paws on it? Leave a comment of course! Anything will do (OK I might decide to un-award you if you win because you left me spam or a flame...) Entries close this Sunday at noon AEST (because then I can count it as an Out in this week's total.)

Oh - and I'm happy to post it anywhere in the whole wide world...


  1. Delurking to say "Oooh - pretty box!" (I'm a sucker for all those "leave me a comment 'cos you might get stuff" posts...)

  2. Hello from another lurker. I like reading about your modern miniatures. I've got plans to have a go at making a modern dollshouse, just got to find the time.

  3. Oh, it wouldn't be fair for me to win, since I just got some goodies from you. But throw my namein there too!

  4. The box is so very pretty. I wonder what's inside?

    Throw my hat in - and if I win you can just walk down the street with it to my house.

  5. And did you see Jejune on Lime & Violet's daily Chum?? How cool are the Canberra S'n'B group???

    40,128 readers, OMGoodness!!!!!

  6. me too me too me too pretty please
    - just as well i'm not counting ins and outs, although giving away almost all my parents' stuff instead of shipping it here has to count, right?

  7. Please add my name to the draw - I'd be so happy to help you with 20 'outs'. I find the whole seven things spring project really fascinating - I'll have to have a go myself when spring rolls around in the UK again.

  8. like to leave my name too - and I will come and collect it in Canberra if you like.

    I could bribe you with an offer of some black and white cards if I get the package... hmmm I wonder if that will work

    Janet McKinney

  9. Gemma - no I didn't, but I will headoff forthwith and discover what Lime & Violet's daily Chum is :-)

    Jennifer - I think it does, although I hope you kept some special bits and pieces!

    Janet - Unfortunately bribes won't work as the picking of a name is all very scientific (OK, I use a random number generator). Knowing my luck it'll pick this comment as a winner :-/

  10. Count me in please! I gave up on counting my ins and outs because I got so muddled up but I'll happily help you with your outs. So generous I know..

  11. *bb*: If it's anyhelp I set up the next week's STS post as I post the previous week's list. Then I update it daily (or more often) as the week progresses.

  12. Ah - just the thing for Anna-Maria's Christmas present. Do you think we should enter a comment and then we could surprise her by giving her a black and white bonanza at Santa Time. Mwahahaha!!

  13. Well then if I can't rig it by bribing, I wonder if entering more than once work?

  14. Oh, I'll enter. Then if I win I can give it to Janet. With creative counting it will be 1 prize in and 20 items out. Win/Win/Win. ;)

  15. Taph - that's very devious. I like it.

    Using the same logic I should keep my comments in the draw too. Which means if I win I can count 20 out then 1 in. Then I could have a second draw and count another 20 out!

    (Fingers crossed the Aged Parental Units don't win the draw)
