Sunday, January 27, 2008

I should know better by now...

Really, I should.

After 2006's Kittyville disaster I should understand that me and knitting hats (especially when learning a new technique during the knitting of) never works.

So did this stop me wading into the Koolhaas Hat pattern this morning full of misguided confidence that I'd manage not only a tricky pattern, but a tricky pattern on circs and one that is graphed to boot (I've never knitted from a graph before - well not for cabley-bits anyway...)? Hell no!

And here's the result, moments before it fell into the frog pond: Definitely not looking very Koolhaas-like...

I'd give up and knit socks (yep, I'm a sucker for punishment: "Hey! That really tricky hat pattern didn't work out. I know! I'll relax by trying to knit my first pair of socks. Using dpns for the first time. What a great idea!") except, luckily, it would appear that I do not posses the correct sized dpns.

Oh well, serves me right for trying to sneak a new project in while I still have UFOs waiting for attention...


  1. charts and i do not get along at all! i usually write it all out before I begin knitting...if i use a chart i end up forgetting which line i just did.

  2. Charts are a bit of a bugger to begin with. I do like Shanna sometimes, too. Now go and sew up that cardigan.
