Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Mid week meme fun: What band are you?

Courtesy of Zoe here's a new creative time waster:

1. The first article title on the Wikipedia Random Articles page is the name of your band.

2. The last four words of the very last quotation on the Random Quotations page is the title of your album.

3. The third picture in Flickr’s Interesting Photos From The Last 7 Days will be your album cover.

4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result.


  1. Hey that's cool! Thanks for taking part. It's quite amazing how some random quotes and pictures actually look like album covers eh?

  2. i LOVE dessert and this looks so goood!

    Jen Ramos
    '100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'

  3. The odd thing is a) in the original (rectangular) photo the chopping board the plate was sitting on had a woodburned scooter and rider on it and b)later in the week they popped up on a post in one of my bloglines - apparantly they are vegan!
