Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday was:

A spot of op shopping (of course!)
Yummy lunch at Sweet Mother's Kitchen (Tracy tells me last time she was here she was sitting next to Brett McKenzie. Alas no such luck this time but I did admire the knitted tea cosies they had for sale...)
Dinner with the Parental Units and the Grandparental Unit at Shish Mahal which meant hugs (and a gift) from the owners and a wonderful spread of the  most delicious Indian food (as usual)
Then finally there was Turkish tea and book discussions with the Grandparental Unit back at the Youth Hostel where she's staying while attending the Writers and Readers Week.


  1. Ohhh Did you buy all of that stash.. You will have trouble bringing it back on the plane (or was it a photo inside the op shop like you are inclined to do.

    You are a naughty friend you know - I have discovered pillow cases as a really cheap way of finding patchwork material - it was your sheet collection that kicked me off on this. There are some lovely pillowcases out there for very cheap prices you know.

    Also, I went to the YMCA Garage Sale yesterday. What a beauty. Stuff everywhere, and there was a lovely show box full of sewing notions from the 1940s - but I didn't have enough cash on me. I am very sad about that. Never mind, my material pile got increased...

    Janet McK

  2. *whimper*

    And although I bought a little bit of stash it wasn't the whole basket's worth and isn't actually for me...

    Have to say, though, that I'm reaching critical mass on what I can fit in my suitcase(s) on the trip home. Fingers crossed that the upgrade fairy visits again :-)

  3. There is always the post I guess
