Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fiscal Fast Day Twenty Four: Simple pleasures.

One of the things I appreciate (eventually) during the fiscal fasting process is a growing sense of... I don't quite know how to describe it: stillness? contentment? quietness?

And an appreciation of the small pleasures in life...
Today, for instance, I realised it was time to finally bin my three-years-old-really-can't-deny-they're-well-past-it slippers and shop the top cupboard for new ones. Ohhh, they're so soft and fluffy and warm...

I also brought down some new knickers, which (obviously!) you don't get to see.Baking apple sultana honey muffins at lunchtime and deciding to take them into the office tomorrow to share rather than freeze them for later.Hot tea in the afternoon. Drunk out of my favorite mug. While wearing my favorite jumper.Cleaning the kitchen. Mini style!

Having the Parental Units ring to confirm they'll be here for my opening.

And deciding to have the evening off from the pile of bags I have half sewn and instead spend it lazing on the couch in front of the heater with a candyfloss-for-the-brain book. If only I had some wine...

Day Twenty Four:

Breakfast: Tea. Toast with peanut butter and apple slices (I noticed one of the apples had a rotten bit in it so decided to fast track the eating of them)

Morning Tea: Coffee (work related so not counted) M&S ginger biscuits later when I got home.

Lunch: The last of the leftover Mediterranean bean soup from the freezer with the last skerrick of pre-grated parmesan. Served with toast and pesto.

Afternoon tea: Tea. Apple sultana honey muffin.

Dinner: Leftover lentil and vegetable curry with rice (from the freezer). Poppadoms. Yoghurt.

Finished today:
* Milk (I bought more almost immediately)
* Parmesan cheese (that's the last of my cheese gone. No cheese until next week...)
* Apples (on the list for the next visit to Choku Bai Jo)

Bought today:
* Milk: $1.55 (still no organic at Woolies)
* Plain biodynamic yoghurt: $3.78
* Cat food: $1.19

Total spent since June 1: $128.57 (plus $116.84 on a dolls house)