Friday, August 01, 2008

Amazed it's August already...

July passed in a bit of a jumble. I've been very slack with ANU Film Group, missing all three movies I planned to see (2 Days in Paris, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and Hey Hey it's Esther Blueburger) but making it to Lars and the real girl as Semester Two began. Cost per view as at the end of July: $4.62.

Still reading voraciously (to quote my Form 6 report for English): eight travel books read, two lent on to friends and the rest waiting to go to the second-hand bookshop. It was great! I hardly noticed I didn't go anywhere last month as my head was wandering the world while stuck in one book or another. I particularly enjoyed the ones set in places I've visited as I could vividly picture exactly where the writer was...

I made it to Quantum Leap's
My Brother my Sister last night, which was fabulous as always. I was in Row B: the closest I've ever been to the stage at The Playhouse and it was entrancing although a bit weird not seeing all the stage at once like I usually can. And I made the fatal mistake of reading in the programme beforehand that the costumes were made by the Certificate IV Clothing Production students from CIT which, unfortunately, distracted me more than it should have as I often found myself studying the intricacies of the costume manufacture rather than the dancing...

I didn't make it to any part of
Vivid but it's high on the agenda for this weekend.

Also high on the agenda for this weekend is buying a zip and finishing the daisy hoodie. Fingers crossed...

Other plans for August include (in vague order of appearance):

* Massive amounts of movies at ANU Film Group. I doubt I'll make it to them all but they're in my diary and I'll do my best:
Brick Lane, Sex & the city (hurrah! we have evil plans to take thermoses of Cosmopolitans in with us...), Miss Pettigrew lives for the day, Be kind rewind and It happened one night, In the shadow of the moon, and (finally!) Hard candy.

* Plus a movie at
National Library showing "the construction of the National Library of Australia, from the first stage to its opening by the then Prime Minister, John Gorton. Special features include the stained windows of Leonard French, the copper panels of sculptor Tom Bass and tapestries by French artist Mathieu Mategot."

* If that wasn't enough in the way of cultural outings, I'm also seeing Philippe Genty's
Land's end at Canberra Theatre this month.

* And there's a trip to Sydney for the opening weekend of
Sydney Design. Of course. The Modern Times Symposium. The Krispin K tour of The Power House exhibitions. And, as if I didn't have enough things to fill my weekend I'm kind of hoping to get over to The Art Gallery of NSW for the Harold Cazneaux: Artist in photography exhibition. But I'm not to worried about that as I can always look at the online exhibition of his work on National Library's website. And since my chances of also making it to The Museum of Sydney for the flying boat history exhibition are pretty much non existent I'll give up on that idea now. Especially as it costs $10 entry...

* If I manage to get any time to read (apart from 6 and a half hours on the bus to and from Sydney) I'll be reading about Architecture this month.

* Speaking of architecture (in small scale) the
Parade of Houses will continue our European journey through Sweden (my two Brio houses), Denmark (Lisa) and Germany (Vero). I also have an essay to write and a few other things to sort out this month in the lead up to the exhibition being mounted next month.

* There are plans for a weekend knitty retreat later in the month. And I've just been invited to a weekend in The Southern Highlands if I can cope with three weekends away...

* Finally, the 2009 IKEA catalogue and
Poco Profile diary refills are due to be released this month.

Erk! Just reading this makes me want to take to my bed for a good long sleep...

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