Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gone Daddy Gone...

...my houses have all gone away!

This is what my upstairs landing looked like this morning:
Then my Curators arrived with a big van (here's Roving Reporter Rowan who promised to send me photos of the install in progress to share with you):
They filled the van up with houses: And drove away.

By afternoon my top landing looked like this: Order was restored, and my house was sounded all echoey.

Until Taph rang to say she'd found the mother lode of bubble wrap at the recycling centre and did I need some?

So now the upstairs landing looks like this (and the photo only shows half of what turned up!):and I definitely believe what Taph said about removing things to quickly and them being replaced just as quickly so the natural level of order is retained.

Never fear, the "natural level of order" will be frogmarched out to the garage as soon as it's light tomorrow...


  1. Hi - first time visitor and commenter just nipping over from your comment on Freshvintage, lured by your Blog's title, which is one of the best I have ever seen. I am compelled to say I loved this post (too true) and the several others I just read. Although it appears I am just your age, I am an honorary 70 year old who gravitates toward (and buys) teacups and old prints and smelly old books. I am only beginning to warm to mid-century, Eames/Brady Bunch era stuff of our childhood. What you did with that doll house a couple of posts back is almost enough to get me to bring those Illums Bolighus kitchen chairs back into the house. Brilliant. And "in, out, shake it all about?" You ought to have been paid a lot money for that. I am adding a link here from my own little blogspot. See ya.

  2. Hi, glad to see that the houses have started their journey towards greater fame. Hmm. How many things in and out?

  3. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!

    Alas I cannot take credit for the "In, Out, Shake it all about" line as it originally came from Taph: http://www.need2knit.blogspot.com/

    And Helen? Alas I can't count the houses and contents as they are only on loan so if I did they'd just count back in come late January. But I did manage to get rid of another 67 countable things yesterday...
