Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's been a while since I did one of those online quiz things

so when Bijou Kaleidoscope mentioned the mydeco Style Test on what turned out to be a pretty crappy day here in TSS Land it was just the escapism I needed. Better than a blog post that went "blah blah work sucked, crappy day, blah blah wanted to thwack a number of people upside the head blah blah at least I was getting paid to be there which is handy cause the Lifeline Bookfair starts tomorrow and I fly to Melbourne on Friday"

And my results?

You're going for the ultimate living environment. You like a home that is sleek, masculine and generally understated. Only those in the know will be able to spot the touches of genuinely 'flash' kit - the designer logos, the top-of-the-range gizmos. In the end it'll all looks effortlessly cool but there's still a bit more time, thought and hard graft to be done to get everything spot on.

Living Room
Playboy, gent, aesthete - your living room is a shrine to bachelorism. The masculine look finds its apogee in the bachelor pad, and at the heart of every bachelor pad is the living space, with its sharp lines and a hedonistic approach to life that's all about having fun and very little to do with mundane chores. This is the lifestyle of a Gatsby or a 007, and the fact that both are fictional characters says it all: this look is about illusion and seduction and a dash of hustler chutzpah. This is a look that can't take clutter: accessories should be carefully considered for style as well as impact, although adaptable lighting is an essential element. Dark colours work well if you use the room mainly during the evenings and at night, while eclectic black and white make for a bold, yet chic statement. Whether you're chilling out, socialising or surfing the net, your living room's a place that reflects the way you live your life.

Yours is a 'modern master' bedroom. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. In busy towns and cities, noise can often hamper a good night's sleep. Soft furnishings really do absorb sound, and touch is such an important sense in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. You make quite a statement with clean, strong lines in your bedroom, using vibrant colours to make a bold statement.

Dining Room
You're a bonafide alpha-male entertainer. At home, cool, sleek masculine lines and shades set the tone. Avoid harsh primary colour and opt instead for linen napkins in muted or jewel shades, say, and dine by candlelight to add a moody vibe to evening meals. When it comes to entertaining, you like to make an effort for family and friends.

Home Office
There's no doubting who's boss in your home office. No matter how independent you might be, like everybody else you'll have bills to pay. A dedicated home office will help you keep on top of the 'boring bits'. Black leather upholstery twinned with stainless steel and glass can hover on the edge of cliche. Look for inspiration from classic Sixties films such as The Thomas Crown Affair and early [James] Bond movies to see just how well the look works when it's done with style and conviction.

You're the consummate international playboy, at home around the world, but never more so than in your elegant 'pad' with its emphasis on hedonism and the finer things in life.

Cheers. Pity they didn't notice the fact I said I was a girl-person!

Want to take the test? Head over here.

1 comment:

  1. Thats what I thought! Kept heaing the word "Male" alot ahahaha. Yeh but you seem the elegant type (judging from your dollhouses)
