Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Thanks, Ninaribena!

For the fabulous "mini" Behind the Curtains feature over at Canberra's Got Style.

I'd planned to correct the date on the badge and link over on my sidebar but I figure now it doesn't really matter since the 4th has passed and the exhibition is open as of today*. We're off to see it this morning: I'm contemplating the idea of taking my own ribbon and scissors and having a private Parental opening ceremony. Perhaps I could call it an interactive art installation?

If you'd like a copy of my exhibition badge for your own blog, email me and I'll send the code to you (since I don't seem to be able to work out how to post it here...)

(*Confusing, huh? It's open even though the opening hasn't happened yet...)


  1. Not many sleeps now! I've never been to a fishul opening before. At what time does one turn up?

  2. Congratulations! You must be very excited.
