Thursday, December 04, 2008

Lunch was on the house

The Sydney Opera House, that is...Scrummy pesto cheese and salad sandwich on homemade bread, served on a large vintage damask napkin (it was The Opera House after all. Paper seemed somehow wrong and I cleverly worked out that if I wrapped my snacks and my lunch in the napkin I could carry it in that and not have to cart around a set of empty containers once I'd finished. When my seatmate on the bus saw it and asked if I had a stick to carry it on I nodded and pulled out a knitting needle which had her chuckling...)

Speaking of knitting here are a couple of highly illegal pictures of my knitting in the theatre during the intermission:The woman sitting next to me pulled out her knitting too once she saw me pull out mine!Turns out she works at St Paul's Op Shop in Manuka and I think I chatted to her at the plant stall when I visited their fete a couple of weeks back. Gosh Canberra's a small place...

But you don't want to see pictures of knitting, do you? Here's the Opera House outside:A close up of what it's made of for you non-Sydney types who may have wondered (hand for scale):And some arty inside shots:I wonder why they have this projected on the wall?For people with Old Timers Disease who forget where they are between the front door and their seat?

Seriously though, the ballet was brilliant (I was in row C so had an amazing view) and the trip down and back was only marred by the fact I ran out of wool, reading material, snacks and water with 2 hours to go before we got back to Canberra.

But that was made up for when I was picked up from the bus station by J&M who whisked me back to their place to pick up Miss Daisy (who had spent the day being minded by J) and sat me down on their sofa to drink tea, eat chocolate and watch the new Wallace & Grommit (A Matter of Loaf and Death) which they were time streaming on their new DVD HD recorder. I didn't even know it existed so it was a wonderful end to the day. And it was all about fresh homemade bread, which somehow seemed terribly fitting...

(If you're in Canberra and interested in The Australian Ballet's Canberra coach bookings to their midweek matinees in Sydney I finally found some information here)


  1. Mock not the provision of "you are here" information. One day, some time in the future, you too will be grateful for this.
    Yours faithfully, um .....
    No. Don't tell me. It will come to me soon.

  2. you've just been awarded a "i love your blog" award... keep on blogging!

    read more on my blog :)
