Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today's photos*

So I ran with the mad and crazy idea of a pop up, 20 minute exhibition. I had an exhibition poster on the door, advertising the opening:sparking apple juice (Woolworths were out of white grape juice), snacks, a room catalogue and red dots (in case anything was sold**)
Here's the exhibition set up and ready to go:(Looks almost real, huh?)

When I (belatedly) got to Craft ACT I was presented with morning tea to celebrate*** with local cupcakes and
tea from New Zealand (which I'd bought as a souvenir, forgetting to get a tin for myself...)The cupcakes were soon demolished:And the only other photo on my camera? This foam truck emerging from the Civic Library building:which has to be an art school project but I could find no information about it in the vicinity. And the girls working in the library weren't much help: they had no idea it was even there...

(*because we all know it never happened unless it was photographed and blogged about. Although I drew the line at photographing my assessors. That would have been just too weird for words...)
(** alas it was not)
(*** because they knew I'd pass)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud (LOL even!) at your exhibition opening! Brilliant!
    Love your work!

    Thanks for your kinds words on my year's work on my blog. It was a big deal to actually show any work. I wish I'd documented things more like you have. (Like you said, if it's not photographed and blogged, it didn't happen!)

    I'm lucky that my course was conducted on a whole day a week. Although it was part-time, it was great to have a six-hour block to get stuck in. I'll finish the other half next year and get my spanking Cert III like you. I'm also doing some other subjects and will be offically full-time (look out student card!). And living the poor student life.

    Hope you'll continue making art!

    Carolyn x
