Wednesday, December 09, 2009

What’s Hot + What’s Not Wednesday

What's hot:

* A day off. At home.

* This video (from New Zealand via Uppercase Journal)

* The Mitchell Library Alphabet.

* Quiddity (a newly discovered word via Jane Brocket)

* Funemployed (another newly discovered word via World Sweet World's newsletter)

* A free mix tape.

* Finding time to get my inbox back under 100.

* And play with some new crafting ideas.

* And knit.

* Rekindled obsessions with library card catalogue drawers. And vintage caravans.

* This new-to-me (and local) blog.

What's not:

* The state of my flat. Again. Still.

* Slooooow internet at the end of the billing month. (*insert sound of drumming fingers*)

* Not being able to download my free mix tape. (see above)

* Disagreements with eBay sellers which turn nasty.

* Ripping my only work skirt. Only a month after buying it.

* (Almost forgot) still no sign of my work back from CIT...


  1. Oh Hurrah for a fab blog find! Definitely a hot!

  2. Well there's more "what's hot" than "What's not" maybe you can clean the flat to make another "what's hot" thing :)

  3. Going West is a fantastic little video, very clever!
    Chele x

  4. Yikes it's all happening for you ... hope it settles back to how you like it ;)

  5. Quiddity is a beautiful word! Made me go and look at Jane's blog again. She writes so well.
    Too bad about the flat (I know the feeling well) but I am impressed with your slim inbox! xx

  6. What a great, plummy post. The book video is amazing. Sorry about your skirt and the ebay sellers.

  7. Hey, Shopping Sherpa, pity you can't download the World Sweet World summer mixed tape. Want to let me know what the problem is? Works perfectly for me, and other people have successfully downloaded it, too. Email me at thomas at worldsweetworld dot com if you like ;).
