Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tiny things Tuesday (aka: miniature armchair travelling)

Thanks to Lucy Hammonds, Curator of Design Collections at Hawke's Bay Museum and Art Gallery, my urge to visit Napier in the next few months has eased. Slightly.

Lucy responded to my enquiry by saying "The Miniatures is an exhibition that draws on a collection of miniatures from the Robert Bren Collection, which numbers around 2000 miniature items c1930-40s donated to us in 1958 (although we have not got the entire collection on display). The exhibition itself is part of an ongoing programme working with New Zealand writers – in this case we invited a writer named Stephanie Johnson to research the Bren Collection and then write a short children’s story the included aspects of the collection. This story was then illustrated in the exhibition using the items from the collection, housed in custom-made display cases set into large book pages. I am attaching an image for you information. There is also a small catalogue of the story illustrated with photographs of some of the miniatures."

She kindly let me reproduce the following photos of the exhibition: (photo: David Frost, Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, Napier)
(photo: David Frost, Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, Napier)

(photo: David Frost, Hawke’s Bay Museum and Art Gallery, Napier)

On a similar theme, have you seen Amy's Miniatures and Smalls blog which "chronicles The Life and Times on Lundby Lane... It is a continuing saga of the events & goings on of the little people (peeps) and their amazing adventures"


  1. Thank-You, Thank-You. Flo in Texas inspired me to create a blog. She was patient with me but persisent. I told her I would leave the house and when I returned the little peeps had busy going places and doing things. She said I needed to share. Now I am having great fun and if others smile, giggle or out right laugh then I have really lived the good life. It's the best therapy ever. I laugh constanly on Lundby Lane. Thank you again!

    Thanks to CallSmall for letting me know you mentioned me. Big SMILE!

  2. 2000 30s and 40s miniatures! DROOL - I definitely want to visit this museum sometime! Thanks for posting these extra pics :-)
