Monday, March 15, 2010

Pre-dawn pocrastination

I woke up early this morning, which is just as well because I have a job application due in today.

Which I'd originally planned to write yesterday afternoon before
I got distracted.

I abhor addressing selection criteria (a problem, when you live in a government town) so was easily distracted by
this stop-motion animation which I discovered via Tiny Happy:

(And, of course, blogging about it!)


  1. Thanks buddy for sharing the useful and informative post with us, Thanks for sharing the video also.

  2. Thanks for sharing the video with us. Keep it up.

  3. i hear you, trying to apply for new job in canberra, way too much time spent on selection criteria
    thanks for the distraction

  4. A bit strange but cool movie all the same.

  5. Hope you got your application written. I don't know anyone who doesn't get distracted when trying to deal with selection criteria!
