Thursday, June 17, 2010

A nightmare

I had my first nightmare about the Craft ACT Call of the Small* exhibition last night. I always take the arrival of these as a good sign: certainly, in the past nightmares about coming cruises have correlated exactly with the having of a fabulous time at the actual event.

Things have been chugging along in the background regarding the exhibition. I've arranged a couple more studio visits over the next week or so and recently visited M1K1: (not that I knew it at the time).

This week I spent some time in the Crucible showcases, checking on the lighting situation and if "skylights" would work or if I had to sort out some secondary lighting source.

And last night I sat next to Genevieve Jacobs at Pecha Kucha: when we weren't talking knitting I told her about the exhibition and she's keen to do another interview with me later in the year.

Which makes me realise I've completely forgotten to mention there'll be an article on my houses in the September issue of The Collectors magazine. Assuming it will actually be published...

(Thanks, as usual to the real Call of the Small for use of her name for the occassion)


  1. I saw your piece on Collectors, it wasn't long enough to fully enjoy your collection. (Damn you Andy, many many things have been spoiled.)

  2. Hmmm... Maybe I should try out the video capabilities of my camera. Or ask Santa Claus for a Flip...

  3. Collectors will be back on TV from July 9th, they've announced - so I hope they will also publish the magazine, I'd love to see your collection in it!
    As for Andy, he's been charged but not convicted - we still (supposedly) have a presumption of innocence until found guilty, which the ABC seems to have forgotten.
