Wednesday, September 08, 2010

"...a sensitive, engaging and amusing installation"

Call of the Small* now has its own page on the Craft ACT website, with an essay on the exhibition by Kate Murphy. Go. Read.

(*Name used with permission of the real Call of the Small)


  1. i came, i saw, i was amused.
    (i think you are always sensitive, engaging and amusing)

  2. A phrase which was just dying to be translated into Latin. But then I discovered Google languages doesn't have an option for Latin.

    How odd...

  3. well, i was going to do a latin version, but then i got bogged down in imperfect versus pluperfect passives... not only that but it wasn't going to have the same ring as caesar's.
    so i offer,
    veni, vidi, risi
    .... i laughed.

  4. So now you're not only and artist but an "emerging curator"...add it to your resume. Can you see me turning green? Congratulations, it's about time they gave you a page of your own.

  5. And I always thought I was an "Emerging student" (
