Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Wednesday wanderings

I had a day off today and M1K1 and I decided it was the perfect time for her to make a belated trip down to see the exhibition,making sure to wear the famous rosemarie cardigan for the photo shoot (even though it really was too hot for such things today)

Then there was a visit to
Shop Handmade, lunch at Gus' Cafe, followed by a visit to the Alex Asch works at Something in the Air CMAG exhibition.

And a visit to
Jazz Apple Cafe for a little something to keep the energy levels up:(Mmmmmm.... red velvet. With a daisy...)

Next stop was
Toyhaus in Fyshwick, which I've been meaning to visit for months. Mainly because I knew they had a Villa Sibi in stock and I wanted to go stroke it...
While I was there Louise told me they're working on getting The Emerson in stock.

I wasn't taking much notice as I'd spied this:which followed me home to be added to the caravan collection.

The day finished with a visit to
Plastic Creations where we dreamed of what could be done in miniature with all their lovely plasticy bits.

And then, alas, it was time for M1K1 to hit the road.


  1. OMG, Gus' is STILL THERE?!? It really is an institution. AND there's a toyshop in Canberra which has the Villa Sibi in stock? Wow - I really must get to Canberra again.
    Have also discovered that the NLA has a folder of toy catalogues in their catalogue ... and there are direct flights between Canberra and Darwin at the moment ... hmm, wonder whether ...

  2. i LOVE that caravan!!!!!! you have a collection!? do share!!!!

    The Emerson is coming to AUS!? OOoh!

  3. I would love to see your collection of caravans. I love them too.
