Sunday, December 12, 2010

Not quite what I'd planned...

Yesterday morning I headed out to (finally) post off some swap parcels to people. And while I was out I decided I may as well head across town to the model shop and pick up some spray paint, which I was out of (why we don't have a model shop on this side of town I'll never understand.)

Since I was in the neighbourhood I popped into ALDI for supplied of chickpeas and lentils for the Christmas period and, while I was there, got a call from Cycling S inviting me round to lunch.

Which was followed by a trip through The Glassworks and markets so she could do a spot of Christmas shopping and a visit to the National Gallery to take advantage of their special offer on Ballet Russes tickets (buy a single ticket and upgrade to a season pass for free: which Cycling S did for me as an early Christmas present)

As I rattled my way through the gallery (the spray cans were still in my bag) I realised the irony of having spray cans with me while
Space Invaders was still on and, in a flash, thought of a fabulous staged photo we could create. I could be pretending to tag the wall and getting caught in the act.

But I chickened out (don't want to be banned from the NGA, even if it is for creating art there) so here's a sketch of it instead: As we headed to the car we discovered someone's beaten us to it, but in real life...Back home again I painted my pieces and set up a scene in readiness for one of them to be dry enough to use.

But this morning I discovered my newly painted Panton chair didn't work as I thought it would. So, using a stand-in chair, here's my Starving Artists' Fund scene: And here's the painted chair:
(Because, really, who uses their REAC Panton chair the colour it is made in?)

And here's what else I painted yesterday:
I love playing with scale...


  1. Brilliant! Did you make the little cross stitch cushion too?

  2. Yes, I used to sell them many many years ago...

  3. Shiny! What paint brand did you use? I need to color mine red >_>

  4. I use Tamiya Color for plastics (The TS series)
