Saturday, January 15, 2011

One for Ruth

To mark the posting of the Sketchbook Project sketchbooks yesterday.

The problem with working so small is I don't notice some of my dodgy cutting out until I look at the enlarged photo, and by then it's too late to do anything about it as it's all firmly stuck down...
And thus endeth week 2 of the 2011 Inch by inch challenge. Which means I have books to make today*.

Last week I was toying with the idea of increasing the edition each week: seven limited editions at the end of week one, fourteen this week and so on. And then I realised that would mean I'd be making 182 books at six month mark, and 365 in the last week. A very silly idea indeed.

(*I'm hoping to manage it in InDesign, thanks to a friend who gave me some basic instructions this week)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the inDesign file - hope it out does Word - other wise I'll be a bit red faced given my vocal views on the subject of Adobe vs Microsoft!
