Monday, January 24, 2011

So very tired...

A rather apt inchie for a tired Librarian:I came home, had a wee nap on the sofa, made dinner, ate dinner, made an inchie and now I'm off for an early night...


  1. I've been following your blog for about four days ... and wondering what you were working as ... a librarian, I know realise!

    I've been inspired by your dolls' houses and am going to pull out mine and see how I can rejuvenate them!

    Thank you.

    PS My word verification is 'viespas' which is close-enough to 'vespers' which should see you off to sleep.

  2. I keep trying to leave the profession, honest. And just when I think I've safely escaped I get dragged back in. Which means updating very rusty skills about every 5 years. Perhaps I should just give up trying to escape and accept fate?
